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christianity @christianity
5 Hits, Last modified:
tian, but I rarely introduce myself as such - not because I'm [[ashamed]] or [[secretive]] about it - but because the phrase means so many different things to the p... mselves// Christians. Maybe they need tell people because they would not have guessed for themselves, so it... ig surprise! Maybe Jesus Christ is surprised too, because He was not aware they had joined [[His team]] - I
breeze @computers:arduino
3 Hits, Last modified:
ular languages and styles, but had to reject them because the syntax would take a lot of effort to parse an... derstand (using lots of EEPROM program space), or because a large amount of data would need to be stored wh... have called it a subroutine in this documentation because I plan to implement it like subroutines in the BA
born_again @christianity
1 Hits, Last modified:
severe reaction and judgement from God. That was because the fruit was //forbidden// - God said "You must
boinc @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
on FreeBSD (TrueNAS), but there were a few snags, because you have to set up FreeBSD to emulate a Linux OS
mail @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
t to pick up your mail - that would be dangerous, because the mail system would have to run as root to acce
truenas @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
n at different speeds), it's probably the safest, because it's very unlikely two disks will fail at the sam