====== Christianity ====== I wonder what you think of when you hear the the word //Christian//? Do you remember other people you have met who called themselves Christians? Maybe you think "Oh no! Not another one of //those//, please God have mercy!" I consider myself to be a [[born_again|"born again"]] Christian, but I rarely introduce myself as such - not because I'm [[ashamed]] or [[secretive]] about it - but because the phrase means so many different things to the people I meet, and I'm not sure I'm going to be properly understood. The world seems to be full of people who //call themselves// Christians. Maybe they need tell people because they would not have guessed for themselves, so it comes as a big surprise! Maybe Jesus Christ is surprised too, because He was not aware they had joined [[His team]] - I'm sure [[book_of_life|He would have remembered]]! It's hard to say why people claim to be Christians when they are not. Maybe they think it makes them seem holier than other people. Just putting a [[label]] on something doesn't change it, although it could fool you for a short time until you get to know them. Some people claim they are a Christian because they were raised in a [[Christian country]], or as part of a [[Christian family]]. They fail to grasp the obvious truth that it is not a condition that is inherited from the world or the flesh. It is not something that happens automatically to you, or for you. You have to make a deliberate choice to [[become a Christian]], and then keep on, [[day by day]], making the choice to continue along your chosen path in life. Do you think you are a Christian? Has anyone else guessed, without you dropping hints into the conversation? Does Jesus think you are on [[His team]]? Have you ever [[prayer|spoken to Him]] about it? If not, it's a good idea to [[become_a_christian|get that sorted out]] before your [[judgement|meet Him face to face]]!