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- breeze @computers:arduino
- mmands cannot be continued over multiple lines of code. So each command line must be complete in itself.... c. These languages use {braces} to group lines of code together into blocks. These blocks can be nested ... han having to group lines together in {braces}. <code> if ( condition ) { code for when true ... } else { code for when false ... } </code> <code> 100 i
- famp @computers:truenas
- . Make some decisions and define some variables. <code> # Tailor each of these examples for your own sit... ou want to install (for PHP v7.4 specify "74") </code> 3. Delete any old jail with the same name - e.g... n't delete a jail that you still want to keep!** <code> iocage destroy --force "${JAIL_NAME:?}" </code> 4. Create the new jail. <code> iocage create \ --n
- mail @computers:truenas
- Make some decisions and define some variables. <code> # Tailor each of these examples for your own sit... of the jail that will contain the mail server </code> ====== Set up the Mailbox ====== We need to de... mailbox called "administrator". Execute this... <code> jexec "ioc-${JAIL_NAME:?}" adduser </code> Provide this information when asked... <code> Username: a
- syntax @wiki
- nd_strings_in_your_installation|localization]]): <code - conf/lang/en/lang.php> <?php /** * Customizati... be modified */ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = ''; </code> ==== Image Links ==== You can also use an imag... t use indention for deeper levels - That's it <code> * This is a list * The second item * You... t use indention for deeper levels - That's it </code> Also take a look at the [[doku>faq:lists|FAQ on
- dnsmasq @computers:truenas
- . Make some decisions and define some variables. <code> # Tailor each of these examples for your own sit... jail that will contain the instance of dnsmasq </code> 3. Install the software. <code> jexec "ioc-${JAIL_NAME:?}" pkg update jexec "ioc-${JAIL_NAME:?} "pkg install dnsmasq </code> 4. Prepare the dnsmasq configuration file struc
- gateway @computers:truenas
- Properties" of the Jail to say something like: <code> vnet0:bridge0,vnet1:bridge0 </code> That will define two virtual network interfaces within the Jail, ... . Make some decisions and define some variables. <code> # Tailor each of these examples for your own si... /nat.conf" # net service config file </code> ====== Configure NAT ====== <code> jexec "io
- skills @skills
- here is a single source for the application level code which is then processed to produce code suitable for the chosen platform. I gained lots of experience o... widely viewed as outdated, although more lines of code in active use today are written in COBOL than any
- born_again @christianity
- ually mean? It's nonsense when taken literally! Nicodemus was a clever bloke who was chatting with Jesus... IV|“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time
- avl_tree @computers:arduino
- .org/wiki/AVL_tree|AVL Trees]], and enough pseudo code to get me started along the right path. The firs
- games @computers:games
- o be extendable, like Minetest is, but the source code is small and looks easy to modify directly. [[ht