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mail @computers:truenas
5 Hits, Last modified:
Set up the Mailbox ====== We need to define the default mailbox where all system messages are sent. Note... you created this jail. If it is omitted, it will default to localhost. This is ok for emails between users... l name: System Administrator Uid (Leave empty for default): Login group [administrator]: staff Login group... dministrator into other groups? []: Login class [default]: Shell (sh csh tcsh bash rbash git-shell netcli
syntax @wiki
4 Hits, Last modified:
[[wp>CamelCase]] to automatically create links by default, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>c... res only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer per default (and only in the "local zone"). * For Mozilla a... sh period// since the page was last rendered. By default the feed will be sorted by date, newest items fir... | %%~~NOCACHE~~%% | DokuWiki caches all output by default. Sometimes this might not be wanted (eg. when the
dnsmasq @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
he-size=1000 # Set the limit on DHCP leases, the default is 150 dhcp-lease-max=150 # The DHCP server need
gateway @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
he router has the address (a common default on many routers), so I've defined the DMZ on vnet