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4 Hits, Last modified:
n released, but it still needs some work. See the end of the page for details. As always on the Arduin... sy. So my first guess will be "is it 500?" and depending on your answer, my next guess will be 250 or 7... s than it is written, so it's more efficient to spend a little time storing things in the "right place"... se it. This is a pre-alpha release, and is not intended to be used for anything other than experimentat
3 Hits, Last modified:
rs as they will be executed as usual. It is recommended to enclose any comments in quotes. If the firs... ub AskUser 160 display "I don't believe you!" 170 end 200 # AskUser "Keep asking a question until we ge... like "chain" to my script language, I plan to extend the syntax of the "goto" and "gosub" commands. It
1 Hits, Last modified:
ic web server running on a [[|WeMos D1 R