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4 Hits, Last modified:
etBSD. Dnsmasq provides full IPv6 support. More information at the [[ ses # the same option, and this URL provides more information: # dhcp-author... rough # dnsmasq. log-queries # Log lots of extra information about DHCP transactions. #log-dhcp END </code> ... reated by an tool I am currently developing. More information coming soon. ====== Starting the Dnsmasq service
3 Hits, Last modified:
on my TrueNAS box to enable me to seamlessly pass information between each of the devices I own, and also allow... f my family to have restricted access some of the information stored on my home network. The reason for the t... ge has been cobbled together from various bits of information I've found on the Internet. * [[https://lugbe.
2 Hits, Last modified:
oc-${JAIL_NAME:?}" adduser </code> Provide this information when asked... <code> Username: administrator Full... ge has been cobbled together from various bits of information I've found on the Internet. * [[https://forums
1 Hits, Last modified:
I will look into this very soon, maybe using the information at [[
1 Hits, Last modified:
L" set | grep "^DB_" </code> Make a note of this information. You'll need to configure your web site with the
1 Hits, Last modified:
o see the status of some services, or other extra information. This is great if you run your own web sites and