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skills @skills
3 Hits, Last modified:
and inquisitive mind. I also like putting what I know into practice, in a creative and innovative way. ... ckly if it is related to something else I already know and enjoy. I know a little about the following, but would welcome the opportunity to embrace learning a
breeze @computers:arduino
3 Hits, Last modified:
ack of where we are up to in the structure, so we know what to do next. In contrast, if we can fully un... le = value; function (arg1, arg2); </code> We now know that the first word on the line (until the space)... brackets. The called C function does not need to know if it has been triggered by [ ] or ( ). If we wa
born_again @christianity
2 Hits, Last modified:
n of free will and choice, but there is no way to know if you are making the right choices, or if things... of the random way you live your life. How do you know what actually influences your decisions? You are
christianity @christianity
1 Hits, Last modified:
could fool you for a short time until you get to know them. Some people claim they are a Christian bec
arduino @computers:arduino
1 Hits, Last modified:
what I'm doing with Arduino boards. If you don't know what they are, have a look on the [[https://www.a