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breeze @computers:arduino
22 Hits, Last modified:
. ===== Syntax ===== The syntax of this command language takes inspiration from [[https://en.wikipedi... g/wiki/Tcl|Tcl]]. I looked at many other popular languages and styles, but had to reject them because ... the style of Java, JavaScript, C, C++, etc. These languages use {braces} to group lines of code togethe... One of the problems with some of the programming languages I looked at was that it's not immediately o
gateway @computers:truenas
8 Hits, Last modified:
his functionality without any change from me. I plan to set up two different VPN servers on my TrueNAS... === You will need to set up a Jail that has two VLAN interfaces. One will be used for your LAN and the other will just be used to connect to your Internet ... alled vnet1. In this example, I have defined the LAN on vnet0, and the router has the a
famp @computers:truenas
5 Hits, Last modified:
erver * MySQL database server * PHP scripting language interpreter The FreeBSD Jail system is idea... run (usually best to choose the latest available) LAN_IP="" # IP address within your normal LAN for this jail GATEWAY_IP="" # IP... allow_raw_sockets=1 \ boot=yes \ ip4_addr=${LAN_IP:?}/24 \ ip6_addr=none \ defaultrouter=${GA
games @computers:games
3 Hits, Last modified:
WorldCraft]] and [[|PlanetCraft]] also looks interesting. They can be played on Android, Apple and Windows devices. [[|Planet Of Cubes]] also looks interesting. They can be
arduino @computers:arduino
2 Hits, Last modified:
xternal SD card instead if internal RAM. I also plan to use an AVL Tree to store the current program w... e door, and respond by ringing the doorbell. The plan is to use a piezoelectric sensor to detect vibrat
1 Hits, Last modified:
way. This section is all about my passion for anything technical. My experiments, plans and projects.
heimdall @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
can show you if services are up and running at a glance, rather than having to visit each of them. Hei
mail @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
ver security, as it can only be accessed from the LAN, and I'm not going to tell it how to pass message