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skills @skills
3 Hits, Last modified:
r I was promoted to head of the department. I had quickly learned details of how the computer worked, writt... . I developed the system myself in PHP, and could quickly respond to requests for extra features from my cu... actices. I can usually assimilate knowledge quite quickly if it is related to something else I already know
avl_tree @computers:arduino
2 Hits, Last modified:
ge chunks of data at each step of the search, and quickly arrive at the key we're looking for. The interes... ht place" and tidying up as we go, so they can be quickly retrieved later. Wikipedia has a nice descriptio
1 Hits, Last modified:
===== Here is a list of popular topics. Use this to quickly find what you're looking for... ~~TAGCLOUD~~
arduino @computers:arduino
1 Hits, Last modified:
ring lists of data that can be directly retrieved quickly by supplying a "key", or read sequentially (prefe
truenas @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
eature called //snap shots//, which allows you to quickly mark a point in time you may want to return to. I