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christianity @christianity
5 Hits, Last modified:
====== Christianity ====== I wonder what you think of when you hear the the word //Christian//? Do you re... e met who called themselves Christians? Maybe you think "Oh no! Not another one of //those//, please God ... im to be Christians when they are not. Maybe they think it makes them seem holier than other people. Just... continue along your chosen path in life. Do you think you are a Christian? Has anyone else guessed, wit
syntax @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
ment. You can use the following syntax: <code> I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I sa... Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! </code> I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I sa
born_again @christianity
1 Hits, Last modified:
is all sounds a bit mystical and scary. Maybe you think it sounds like the effect of taking certain types
dokuwiki @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
rote about it]] * [[doku>blogroll|What Bloggers think]] * [[|
breeze @computers:arduino
1 Hits, Last modified:
u guess why? ==== Named Sections of Code ==== I think it would be a good compromise to allow the "goto"
arduino @computers:arduino
1 Hits, Last modified:
ld gladly accept the invitation. So the idea I'm thinking of is to make a small Arduino project that can