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8 Hits, Last modified:
WORD component? **No** (Assuming you are the only user, and you trust yourself) * Please set the passw... }" \ mysql_config_editor set --host=localhost --user=root --password </code> Use the random password ... ome variables. <code> DB_NAME="${JAIL_NAME:?}" DB_USER="${DB_NAME:?}" DB_PASS="M${RANDOM}y${RANDOM}S${RA... ur web site with the same details. 2. Create the user login. <code> echo "CREATE USER '${DB_USER:?}'@'l
7 Hits, Last modified:
her mailbox that we can access as an unprivileged user. The domain name (the bit after the @ sign in t... k for emails between users of the same jail. The user name will be the same as the mailbox name (the bi... before the @ sign). You will need to create a new user login, and assign a password, in the usual way. ... cute this... <code> jexec "ioc-${JAIL_NAME:?}" adduser </code> Provide this information when asked...