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WORD component? **No** (Assuming you are the only user, and you trust yourself) * Please set the passw... ssword generated at step 4). * Remove anonymous users? **Yes** * Disallow root login remotely? **Yes... }" \ mysql_config_editor set --host=localhost --user=root --password </code> Use the random password ... ome variables. <code> DB_NAME="${JAIL_NAME:?}" DB_USER="${DB_NAME:?}" DB_PASS="M${RANDOM}y${RANDOM}S${RA
9 Hits, Last modified:
her mailbox that we can access as an unprivileged user. The domain name (the bit after the @ sign in t... fault to localhost. This is ok for emails between users of the same jail. The user name will be the same as the mailbox name (the bit before the @ sign). You will need to create a new user login, and assign a password, in the usual way.