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====== FAMP Stack ====== A web server consisting of : * FreeBSD or compatible operating system (TrueNAS in this case) * Apache web server * MySQL database server * PHP scripting language interpreter The FreeBSD Jail system is ideal f... s an independent entity running on the TrueNAS server. Each hosted web site will be placed in its own
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fe against hardware failure of individual hard drives. It also protects against "bit rot" by regularly... point in time you may want to return to. It achieves this by its //Copy On Write// method of updating... ce until new updates are written to the current live copy of the data. These //snap shots// can be used for temporary local backups, or saved to offline storage, or even exported to another
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structure for small networks: DNS, DHCP, router advertisement and network boot. It is designed to be lightweight and have a small footprint, suitable for resource constrai... q on TrueNAS ====== 1. Log in to your TrueNAS server as root using SSH or the Shell option of the Tru... ND # Standard configuration file for dnsmasq # Never forward plain names (without a dot or domain par
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====== Mail Server ====== I need a simple, lightweight mail server to gather together system reports and alerts. This ... Internet. It will neither be able to send or receive messages from the outside world. ====== Preparing the Mail Server Jail ====== 1. Log in to your TrueNAS server as
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nt. The router also provides a forwarding DNS server and a DHCP server. I have already turned this functionality off and replaced it with [[dnsmasq|my own configuration]] ... e from me. I plan to set up two different VPN servers on my TrueNAS box to enable me to seamlessly pa
7 Hits, Last modified:
nd safe. Many science projects use BOINC. They investigate diseases, study climate change, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. {{youtube>tsXxq-o3b9M}} I have used BOINC for a number of years on Linux and Win... ueNAS), but there were a few snags, because you have to set up FreeBSD to emulate a Linux OS by changi
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nks your favourite web sites. Some web browsers have this type of functionality built-in, but if you o... en just fill in a few simple fields and hit the Save button to create a new Jail containing the Heimda
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ources than other clients * Daemon ideal for servers, embedded systems, and headless use * Can be