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famp @computers:truenas
22 Hits, Last modified:
er (usually the same as the internet gateway) PHP_VER="74" # Which version of PHP you want to install (for PHP v7.4 specify "74") </cod... "ioc-${JAIL_NAME:?}" \ install \ php${PHP_VER:?} \ php${PHP_VER:?}-bcmath \ php${PHP_VER:?}-bz2 \
breeze @computers:arduino
4 Hits, Last modified:
il the space) is the name of a command. This is a very simple syntax rule for humans and computers to ... le called "now" ==== Reading a variable ==== We've seen how to set the value of a variable, but how ... ng ] </code> ==== Quoted Strings ==== So far we've only seen how bare words are understood by the pa... === I'm building a computer language here, but I've not said how we can use it to compute anything!
gateway @computers:truenas
4 Hits, Last modified:
used. Microsoft platforms seem to favour IPsec, I've had a more reliable connection using OpenVPN on A... 68.1.254 (a common default on many routers), so I've defined the DMZ on vnet1 Note: F... ====== Firewall and Debugging Logs ====== If you've turned on any logging for the ipfw service or nat... bbled together from various bits of information I've found on the Internet. * [[
avl_tree @computers:arduino
2 Hits, Last modified:
o get me started along the right path. The first version of the library is now {{:arduino:avl_tree.zi... experimentation. Do not store important data using it, it will very probably break and you'll lose it.
arduino @computers:arduino
2 Hits, Last modified:
Read more about Breeze]] ===== AVL Tree ===== I've been looking for a way to store data in a file on... nvil, it would break the circuit and ring the bell before they've had a chance to knock on the door.
games @computers:games
2 Hits, Last modified:
nux. [[|Minetest]] looks very similar to Minecraft, but has been developed with some different design goals. Minetest is a very basic game "out of the box", but is intended to
boinc @computers:truenas
2 Hits, Last modified:
installation of BOINC. I found these web pages very useful : * [[ eue to be uploaded to WCG. I will look into this very soon, maybe using the information at [[https://
truenas @computers:truenas
2 Hits, Last modified:
ion of a virtual FreeBSD machine in a way that is very efficient and flexible with resources. The //Vi... t speeds), it's probably the safest, because it's very unlikely two disks will fail at the same time (
mail @computers:truenas
1 Hits, Last modified:
bbled together from various bits of information I've found on the Internet. * [[