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====== Gateway and Firewall ====== Most people's home network is configured fairly simply, like this: {{:computers:truenas:gateway1.jpg?nolink|}} There's only one set of devices c... ides the basic & essential functionality of a Gateway (with NAT) and a Firewall. So why do I want to make up my own way of doing things? The quick answer is I want to se
5 Hits, Last modified:
address within your normal LAN for this jail GATEWAY_IP="" # IP address of your gateway to the internet DNS_IP="${GATEWAY_IP:?}" # IP address of your DNS server (usually the same as the internet gateway) PHP_VER="74" # Which version o
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e encapsulation of a virtual FreeBSD machine in a way that is very efficient and flexible with resource... acturers. Although this is not the most efficient way to build an array (the disks each run at differen... some good, and some now redundant. I'm working my way through the cobwebs and moving various services t... oads Things I'm currently working on : * [[gateway|Gateway and Firewall]] * DNS & DHCP server - us
2 Hits, Last modified:
is an "Application Dashboard". Basically it's a way of creating a simple "start page" for your web br... the TrueNAS system itself. This provides a simple way to compartmentalise installed software, so each a
1 Hits, Last modified:
w user login, and assign a password, in the usual way. In this example I will be creating a mailbox c
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== [[]] A simple way to download torrent and magnet files. Features :