
I wonder what you think of when you hear the the word Christian? Do you remember other people you have met who called themselves Christians? Maybe you think “Oh no! Not another one of those, please God have mercy!”

I consider myself to be a "born again" Christian, but I rarely introduce myself as such - not because I'm ashamed or secretive about it - but because the phrase means so many different things to the people I meet, and I'm not sure I'm going to be properly understood.

The world seems to be full of people who call themselves Christians. Maybe they need tell people because they would not have guessed for themselves, so it comes as a big surprise! Maybe Jesus Christ is surprised too, because He was not aware they had joined His team - I'm sure He would have remembered!

It's hard to say why people claim to be Christians when they are not. Maybe they think it makes them seem holier than other people. Just putting a label on something doesn't change it, although it could fool you for a short time until you get to know them.

Some people claim they are a Christian because they were raised in a Christian country, or as part of a Christian family. They fail to grasp the obvious truth that it is not a condition that is inherited from the world or the flesh. It is not something that happens automatically to you, or for you. You have to make a deliberate choice to become a Christian, and then keep on, day by day, making the choice to continue along your chosen path in life.

Do you think you are a Christian? Has anyone else guessed, without you dropping hints into the conversation? Does Jesus think you are on His team? Have you ever spoken to Him about it? If not, it's a good idea to get that sorted out before your meet Him face to face!

  • christianity/start.txt
  • Last modified: 02-Feb-2025 16:14
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